We are only limited by our beliefs, our thoughts make and shape us. Inside all of us lies genius and the healer you seek, together, let us awaken your full potential to heal and be healed on a physical and emotional level so that you may live your life unlimited.

The Doc of Detox has devoted thirty-five years to training, teaching and treating thousands of people just like you that wish to become their own healers. Never lose your faith; believe in you. I give you my personal guarantee that we will surpass all your expectations on health and healing with your Personal Treatment  Training or Personal Certification. Our techniques and protocols are known throughout the world for their effectiveness in making the impossible possible and the irreversible reversible. Get trained to heal yourself and be the light for your family and friends. Welcome home BraveHeart.

Click Below and Read More About Each Program

dr. darrell wolfe
world tour
Free Lectures

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Treatment & Training 2 Go!

with Dr. Sage Wolfe

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Wolfe Non-Surgical
Certification 2 go!

with Dr. Sage Wolfe

Become a world leading Body Work therapist with the worlds most powerful bodywork technique in the last 40 years. This proven technique — Wolfe Non-Surgical — reverses the so-called irreversible. The Personal Wolfe Non Surgical Certification Training is tailored for the person or group that is being certified. We can come to you anywhere around the world. We will train from 1 to 16 people per certification. 6 hours/day for 10 days. All Participants Are Treated & Trained.

Treatment & Training

How would it feel to have the ability to Master Your Mind, Master Your Body and bring your love relationship with yourself and your life partner to the highest potential? How would it feel to be able to heal your partner, your children, other family members or friends on an emotional and physical level?

“Raise Your Standards
By Taking
Massive Personal Action"

Dr. Darrell Wolfe

Eliminating their physical pains, ailments and reducing their physical suffering more effectively due to our proven strategies and techniques developed over the last 35 years. What are you worth? What do you deserve? It’s time for new beliefs. Uncover and discover your authentic self.

The secrets to feeling physically and emotionally young lie within healthy tissues and joints. Wolfe Non Surgical Bodywork will completely restore mobility, flexion, extension and strength in all your joints, along with proper nutrition. Displaced calcium, crystallization and scar tissue are the #1 issues in your tissues when it comes to acute or chronic illness, chronic joint, muscle, tendon and ligament conditions. All of these conditions are effectively reversed when you incorporate our Perfect Day Lifestyle and our Wolfe Non Surgical Body Work Technique into your life. Do not let fear block you. Wolfe Non Surgical is the most powerful Body Work but it is also one of the easiest techniques to learn and perform. 3, 2, 1, you got this.

How will it make you feel when you successfully reverse the conditions of a friend or family member that other health professionals could not help? Where others have failed, you will succeed.

What comes with the
Couples Treatment & Training:

– Perfect Day Consultation prior to beginning your PTT adventure
– Wolfe Non Surgical Manual (400 pages)
– 12 to 15 hours of Wolfe Non Surgical Body Work Treatment & Training
– Perfect Day Lifestyle Manual (380 pages)
– 4 to 6 hours of internal & external therapies & strategies to create The Perfect Day on an emotional, nutritional and physical level
– 15% off all DOCOFDETOX products for life
– 1 to 3 Master Consultant Live Q&A’s every week
– Lifetime Support with your Master Trainer, Dr. Darrell Wolfe & Dr. Sage Wolfe

Perfect Pain Free

This 7-day life-saving Pain Free Pregnancy Treatment & Training is not just our most powerful course for those who are pregnant or those who wish to become pregnant, but the most critical information and strategies needed for new families or for those families who desire vital health and an easy, Pain Free delivery for the mother and the newborn.

"Uncover and discover the invisible bonds that bind us."

Dr. Darrell Wolfe

The Pain Free Pregnancy Treatment & Training is the most complete emotional, nutritional and physical training mother or mothers to be, which incorporates teaching you the world’s most powerful bodywork technique – Wolfe Non Surgical.  How would it feel to relieve painful muscles; free-up stiff, achy joints and create a sense of well-being and peace for yourself and your partner with the most effective proven strategies developed by Dr. Darrell Wolfe over 35 years.

The reason why most families are being held captive is because we have not been taught to become our own practitioner/healers. To do this, you must invest in yourself by taking Massive Personal Action – it’s your body, it’s your life, but until you know how to nourish yourself, treat yourself, have unconditional love for yourself, how can you do this for this new little precious human being? You cannot give what you are not. Your potential will be measured by your belief systems, strategies & techniques. Prepare for Amazing.

We must become the light for our family. Becoming confident on how to create The Perfect Day on all levels, emotionally, nutritionally and physically is the only way that families will stay permanently healthy and happy. Unleash your full potential as a practitioner/parent by taking Massive Personal Action welcome to a new world of health and healing – the Pain Free Pregnancy Treatment & Training.

What comes with the
Perfect Pain Free Pregnancy:

– Perfect Day Consultation prior to beginning your PTT adventure
– Wolfe Non Surgical Manual (400 pages)
–  30 hours of Wolfe Non Surgical Body Work Treatment & Training
– Perfect Day Lifestyle Manual (380 pages)
– 12 hours of internal & external therapies & strategies to create The Perfect Day on an emotional, nutritional and physical level
–  15% off all DOCOFDETOX products for life
–  1 to 3 Master Consultant Trainings & Q&A’s every week
–  Lifetime Support with your Master Trainer, Dr. Darrell Wolfe & Dr. Sage Wolfe

PERSONAL pain free
Pelvic Restoration training

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Athletic Deep Tissue
Body Therapy Training

Athletes, health professionals and the general population do not understand that it's the scar tissue keeping them out of the game of sports or life. How would you like to be able to restore the calcium back into the bones of your patients/clients along transforming the scar tissue back into connective tissue, and last but not least, removing adhesions and lesions from vital organs.

"The invisible bonds that bind us will no longer be a mystery by the time you are finished this training."

Dr. Darrell Wolfe

The Athletic Wolfe Non Surgical Certification is the most powerful Body Work training available for athletes and Professional Personal Trainers. All our Wolfe Non Surgical Body Work Trainers offer a money-back guarantee that the first Wolfe Non Surgical Treatment will outperform all other therapies combined.

Our Certified Wolfe Non Surgical Trainers also provide a money-back guarantee for their patients/clients who were told that they needed to go to surgery was the only option for a chronic muscle, joint, ligament or tendon condition. This is a guarantee that the surgery will be canceled or postponed due to the success of this first Wolfe Non Surgical treatment. At DOCOFDETOX World Healing & Training, we totally believe in this technique and your ability to become a New World Practitioner. We offer this same guarantee to our trainers, as we do to our patients/clients. If you cannot offer a money back guarantee for the treatments that you offer, what does it say about the value of your treatments?

Wolfe Non Surgical is the cutting edge in ligament, tendon, muscle, organ and joint restoration. How would it feel to be able to resolve a physical problem before it even gets started? The whole world of athletic and physical training needs to approach bodywork and nutrition in a totally different way. The solution is The Perfect Day Lifestyle along with Wolfe Non Surgical Body Work – the most advanced therapy in the field of Body Mechanics.

Do you wish your recovery and the recovery of your patients/clients to be hours? not days, weeks or months? It’s always been a scar tissue issue, whether it is a sports injury, chronic wear and tear disease. But the worst scar tissue of all is post surgery. Surgery creates and leaves more scar tissue behind than any other known condition. Athletes, health professionals and the general population do not understand that it’s the scar tissue keeping them out of the game of sports or life. How would you like to be able to restore the calcium back into the bones of your patients/clients along transforming the scar tissue back into connective tissue, and last but not least, removing adhesions and lesions from vital organs.

Some of the people who have been trained in Wolfe Non Surgical are professional trainers, professional athletes, chiropractors, physiotherapists, nurses, doctors and all forms of natural health practitioners just to mention a few. You will get to meet these amazing people on our weekly Master Practitioner Q&A Trainings that are free to you on a continual basis.

What comes with the
Athletic Deep Tissue
Body Therapy Training:

– Perfect Day Consultation prior to beginning your PTT adventure
– Perfect Day Lifestyle Manual (380 pages) Hardcopy & PDF
– Wolfe Non Surgical Manual (400 pages) Hardcopy & PDF
– 20 to 30 hours of Wolfe Non Surgical Body Work Treatments
– 25 to 30 hours of Wolfe Non Surgical Body Work Training
– 6 to 10 hours of internal & external therapies & strategies to create The Perfect Day on an emotional, nutritional and physical level
– 15% off all DOCOFDETOX products for life
– 1 to 3 Master Practitioner Live Q&A’s every week
– Lifetime Support with your Master Trainer, Dr. Darrell Wolfe & Dr. Sage Wolfe

one on one
perfect day Consultations
- In PErson or via Zoom -

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"The World Needs Leaders
Not Followers...
Be Your Own Leader."

Dr. Darrell Wolfe

Refund Policy:
– Any and All Courses & Certifications less than $5,000 have a Non-Refundable Fee of $500
– Any and All Courses & Certifications over $5,000 have a Non-Refundable Fee of $1,000
– There is No Refund 10 Days Prior to the start date of Any and All Courses & Certifications
Change Policy:
– There is a Change Fee of $200 for Any & All Courses & Certifications. Changes Must be Within a 12 Month Period.