Get more Information about the women's pelvic restoration and disease prevention masterclass

women's pelvic restoration and disease prevention masterclass

3 Day Masterclass

In today’s society, women have been programmed with limiting BS (belief systems) handed down from many generations of oppression, scarcity, and fear. We are expected to be the caregivers for everyone around us. We have unknowingly become an “inflammation nation” and numbed out the many cries of our beautiful bodies. We are no longer fully connected to our bodies, let alone our pelvic area, the Ovarian Palace. The Pelvic Restoration Course is for women who truly want to come home to this Ovarian Palace to re-ignite this powerful healing center of a woman and fully embrace their Divine Feminine body.

a woman’s pelvis is the Divine Feminine Powerhouse of Healing

🇲🇽 Fri, Feb 21, 2025
Ixtapa, Mexico

DATE: FRi, Feb 21, 2025 - Sun, Feb 23, 2025
HOST: Doc of Detox
PHONE: 1-855-900-4544 Ext 0, 1, 2


🇺🇸 Fri, June 6, 2025
Stuart, Florida, USA

DATE: Fri, June 6 - Sun, June 8, 2025
COURSE PLACE: To Be Announced
HOST: Doc of detox
PHONE: 1-855-900-4544 Ext 0, 1, 2

🇨🇦 Fri, Jun 27, 2025
Calgary, Canada

DATE: FRi, June 27, 2025 - Sunday, June 29, 2025
COURSE PLACE: To Be Announced
HOST: Doc of Detox
PHONE: 1-855-900-4544 Ext 0, 1, 2

Friday, Nov 21, 2025

DATE: Friday, November 21 - Sunday, November 23, 2025
HOST: Doc of Detox
PHONE: 1-855-900-4544 Ext 0, 1, 2


women's pelvic restoration and disease prevention masterclass


Let’s talk about the “holy grail” of a woman: the womb and vaginal canal. As little girls we come to view our periods as a curse. No one is teaching us what is really  going on in the body during our monthly flow. This is a time of regeneration and renewing. We should be celebrating how wonderful our bodies are, not feeling like we are cursed. Let’s explore this area and really honor, respect, protect, and love our Ovarian Palace.

Meet Our Master Practitioners:

Lorraine Clifford

Cheryl Cerda

Lorraine Clifford

Lorraine is a dedicated lifelong learner deeply committed to helping others achieve optimal health. She plays an integral role in the Doc of Detox Team as a Master Practitioner and a valuable contributor to both the Pelvic Restoration and Disease Prevention and the Pain-Free Pregnancy Masterclasses. Lorraine is currently living her dream of travelling the world, teaching, training and treating people.

Cheryl Cerda

Coming Soon

What can you expect to be covered in this course?

In this course, we bring together disciplines from both Eastern and Western traditions to offer the best of both worlds in pelvic and overall health:

  • Lion Heart Breathing
  • Breathwork
  • Brain Balancing
  • Visualization
  • Meditation
  • External Yin Yoga
  • Doc of Detox Pelvic Exercises
  • Internal Pelvic Floor Exploration
  • Introduction to the Yoni Egg
  • 4 Pillars to the Perfect Day
  • 20-minute Wolfe Non-Surgical Therapy 

In These 3 Days

You get personalised attention and time to come together in a healing circle to express and support each other’s needs; similar to the days of old when women would unite in the red tent in support and honour of their beautiful bodies. This is a sacred time to allow your body to heal from old wounds, and let go of what no longer serves you. As you begin your journey of strengthening the inner and outer pelvic area, you will reignite the most powerful healing centre of a woman’s body connecting mind, body and spirit.

When you come to the Pelvic Restoration & Disease Prevention Masterclass you can expect to explore yourself on all levels; these being externally, internally, as well as on an emotional level. We provide you with meditations that will help you journey deeper inside yourself to help you unleash your inner Feminine Goddess. We will be guiding you through an internal exploration of the vaginal canal; this will empower you with the knowledge of how to examine yourself, so that you no longer have to rely on someone else to tell you what is going on inside your own body. We will also be sharing with you many techniques to help you strengthen your pelvic floor muscles.

Join us for these 3 powerful days of self-discovery on an intimate level. It is time for women to come together and take back our power because there is no better time than RIGHT NOW!

Who would be interested in taking this course?

– Healthy, empowered women who want to experience their most sacred, powerful healing resource; fully embrace their divine feminine body, mind, and spirit; and create ease, balance, and passion in their lives

– Women who want to avoid an operation or have been given a “life sentence” of pain and discomfort from conditions predicted by the medical system to only get worse

– Women of any age who have been manipulated by mainstream medical influence because they were unaware of alternative options 

– Women who have been trying to get pregnant

– Women who want to experience more in their life and their love making

– Female practitioners who want to learn more about the female body in order to teach their clients/patients this sacred art of reconnecting fully to a woman’s “Holy Grail” of healing

The woman’s body has been under attack by the medical system for over 50 years. “Cut, poison, and burn” are the answers we are given when we have a symptom. How many people know that when you have low back pain, hip pain, swollen legs or feet, varicose veins, bladder infections, yeast infections, toe fungus, endometriosis, hemorrhoids, ovarian cysts, fibroids, tumors, painful love making, heavy periods, PMS, or infertility, that all of these conditions stemmed from issues with the large intestine?

98% of the population has a “leaky gut.” The first domino that falls is the large intestine. If you’ve got any kind of symptoms going on in your body, you’ve got “leaky gut,” or, rather, “leaky large intestine.” 

When you are not eating correctly, not chewing well, not “food combining” appropriately, eating in a rush, or eating when upset, you do not digest well. Digestion slows down, and that meal you just ate starts to putrefy. When this happens, your meal ends up feeding bad bacteria, fungus, and parasites. Fungi are the worst to develop because they drill holes in the large intestine, allowing anything passing through it the opportunity to drop into the pelvic bowl, creating a manure pile. 

This is where life begins; it is the creative center of a woman, our powerhouse of healing the Divine Feminine.

get prepared

Prior to this BraveHeart Adventure, download these gifts and take Massive Personal Action.

read and watch

– Perfect Day Guide
– HighWay to Health
– I am Woman
– BraveHeart 12 Loving Steps
– Holy Crap

Schedule your Free 30-minute phone call with Dr. Darrell Wolfe or Dr. Sage Wolfe to learn more about the Whole Life Health Coach Certified Training or Wolfe Non-Surgical Training. It would be an honor to speak with you. Call me and let’s unleash the healer within. Don’t wait to take your life to the next level.


This 485 Page Advanced PATIENT Guide is the accumulation of 45 years of in the trenches clinical work and 35 years of lecturing & teaching certification courses around the world.

This ‘HEALTHY TO 100’ PDF holds the keys to guarding and protecting your health from the food conglomerates and pharmaceutical corporations that are determined to own every piece of you. Everyone has an agenda; just make sure theirs matches yours!