Attention all you beautiful BraveHearts. Are you ready to take Massive Personal Action?

Join us for a 3 hr Life Saving, Life Changing Lecture Experience.

Unleash your power to heal.

Part 1:
Emotional Intelligence 4 Life
1.5 hrs

Master the Mind, Master the Body

Part 2:
Reverse the Irreversible

No More Pains, Strains, Drugs, Canes,
Walkers, Wheelchairs or Surgery

Awaken and Rise

HEAL YOURSELF, HEAL YOUR FAMILY (Wednesday, February 12, 2025)


DATE: WEDNESDAY, February 12th, 7 PM EDT
LIVE EVENT: Online Zoom event

Attention all you beautiful BraveHearts. Are you ready to take Massive Personal Action?

Join us for a 3 hr Life Saving, Life Changing Lecture Experience. 

Unleash your power to heal. 

Part 1:
Emotional Intelligence 4 Life
1.5 hrs

Master the Mind, Master the Body

Part 2:
Reverse the Irreversible

No More Pains, Strains, Drugs, Canes,
Walkers, Wheelchairs or Surgery

We are coming to a city near you. Join us in person to discover the tipping point of personal change in your life. 


On this World Tour of self-help Lectures, Part One will be Emotional Intelligence.

By mastering emotional intelligence, you become the gift to yourself, your family and your friends; you become the guiding light. How would it feel to no longer be crippled on an emotional or physical level? Discover how to own the present moment where you are able to manifest your dreams, heal yourself and heal others. Become the Master of your Mind, so that nobody rules, schools or fools you ever again. Unleash your BraveHeart now. Awaken your authentic self. 

Through these self-awareness lectures you will experience your own breakthroughs and gain an inner-standing that you need to — and can — become your own Practitioner with complete critical thinking.

Part Two of this self help lecture is Reverse the Irreversible. No more pains, strains, drugs, canes, walkers, wheelchairs or surgery.  Live and in-person, Dr. Darrell Wolfe will demonstrate the Wolfe Non-Surgical body work technique and show how to Reverse the Irreversible on members of the audience. 

These self help lectures are free to everyone whether you are  coming for personal or professional reasons. Find out how you can stop your pain and suffering and take back your life. You will discover why pain is not your enemy; it is your body’s GPS that keeps you in alignment on an emotional and physical level. The amount of suffering in your life is totally dependant on your Belief Systems. Let us help you rewrite your story.

Leave knowing that with massive personal action you can have the Perfect Day everyday.  You are the answer you were searching for. Together we can heal ourselves, our family and our communities, but it first starts with you. 

Awaken and Rise

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Let’s Come Together

Let’s Heal Together

“The World Needs Leaders
Not Followers…
Be Your Own Leader.”