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Help yourself love better how you think, feel, function & appear

Embark on your “I AM BodyPROUD” Adventure.

Simply dream your dreams, define your goals and put your vision on your mission.

Choose to pursue any combination of Action Steps to achieve your desired Fit Advancements -and – Mind Enhancements.

Self-dedication, self-determination, desire and ambition a must.

Expect new awarenesses, meaningful mindset shifts & triumphant transformations.

Group calls. Personalized support. Empowerment community. Self-health library. BodyPROUD specialist. Your “Perfect Day” consultation. Rewards & Recognition. Celebration Events.

Attend a celebration to share your story start-point and desired adventure outcome – OR – to celebrate your Ahas, breakthroughs and notable gains.

Events are online and live – starting at intimate locations such as house parties, leading into gyms, clubs and studios, and culminating at actual theatre events and performance shows in exciting travel destinations.

The BodyPROUD World Celebration event takes place annually. Its stage features those whose stories wowed us, whose innovations inspired us, and who well entertained us.

Your body. Your goals. Your time to shine! ✨


A State of Mind.

A Result of Actions.

A Personal Mantra.

A Family Initiative.

A Life Adventure.


Your BodyPROUD Adventure begins with the decision to take #good4ME Actions for your self and your body. 

Doing so, at every age & at any start point, EMPOWERS you with fit advancements; mind enhancements; feel-good energy; youthful aging; improvement of mobility; authentic relationships, and most significantly, self-love, self-health and self-healing. 

Choosing to think, feel and act BodyPROUD leads one on an adventure of self-care focusing on going beyond the body, to also include the mind, heart and spirit.

Living bodyPROUD is a lifestyle personalized to your wellness intentions, needs and dreams. It is also mind-to-heart philosophy that once understood and embraced can be passed on for generations to come. 

Together we can make a difference. It starts within. It starts with you. 

Are you in? If so, share your stories as you live through them — your start point, mindset shifts, breakthroughs and triumphs — and enjoy your adventure.

YOU Should Participate if

  • You don’t yet love yourself or your body
  • You do love yourself and your body
  • You want a goal to aim towards
  • You desire support and a community
  • You love to perform and get creative
  • You are a wellness professional or health expert
  • You have pain, discomfort or an ailment
  • You are a dancer, martial artist or athlete
  • You want to extend your comfort zone
  • You want a ”walk the walk” way to be your brand
  • You have a body – and – a mind
  • You want to become a BodyPROUD Specialist
  • I AM BodyPROUD:

    An external expression of internal balance, vibrancy & bliss

    The Result of Good4ME Actions

    You are able to develop superior strength, fantastic flexibility, excellent endurance, and bang-on balance. You are able to hone a mind-to-heart mindset that naturally makes thinking feel good. You can opt to live in a space of Self-LOVE. You can be intuitively guided. You are able to make your bodyPROUD journey a loving priority. You can talk the talk, walk the walk and become authentic as a role model. You can choose to live your life alive, experiencing heart-inspired joy and inner-fueled delight.

    By choosing to live BodyPROUD you are enabled with tools to help you uplevel yourself from where you are now – your “ordinary” to go become extra ordinary: to truly love better how you think, feel, function & look.

    Imagine truly being able to say “I AM BodyPROUD” and feeling it. Wouldn’t that replace needless self-loathing with love and self-respect?

    Your BodyPROUD Adventure begins the moment you make the decision to take massive personal action to benefit the wellbeing of your mind, heart, spirit and body. It means mindfully carrying through on your decision to self-love while replacing current “health” habits with self-benefiting new ones, and abandoning dysfunctional Belief Systems (ie. BS) that make you think you are not good enough in any way,

    Once you feel good inside, it translates to how you look outside.


    From a young age, children are guided to discover what being BodyPROUD means to them. They are taught to visualize the physique they would most enjoy to ‘wear’ and the physical abilities they would like to possess. Their vision creates an imprint in the brain that continually, throughout life, gets activated as intention. Such an intention becomes reality. They are also taught the most effective ways to communicate; relax; meditate; think; focus; and detect, trust and follow intuition. In the process, BodyPROUD people emerge. Everyone is happy. Everyone loves how they feel, function, think and look. They are in control of their life journey. Everyone has a positive mindset, bright attitude, and are effective communicators and listeners. They have a keen understanding of their body, appreciate the value of nutrition and are empowered to lead a good-for-me lifestyle. It becomes second nature for people to continually develop themselves physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and functionally.

    Their physique becomes their continual work of art. Commotions pertaining to health and physical abilities are met with a winning attitude, and self-loving potions. Potentials are realized. Talents are liberated. Personal transformations triumph. The world’s love frequency is enhanced. BodyPROUD people learned how to be self-loving and self-healing. They discover the artist, creator, humanitarian, philanthropist, musician, educator, parent, role model, and wellness advocate from within. People are happy. Life is good. Minds are focused on hearts, and hearts are focused on dreams.

    Participation Benefits

  • You are PROUD of the actions you took for your mind & body
  • Personal Breakthroughs, Transformations & Notable Triumphs
  • Attainable Goals, Incentives, Motivation & Accountability
  • Partners
  • Live Group Video Calls to Share
  • Dreams, Breakthroughs & Smilemakers
  • Monthly Prizes and Shout-Outs
  • You Loving Your body is bound to inspire Others
  • Platforms to Boost Your Business & Expand Your Brand
  • Reasons to Travel
  • Opportunity to WoW People with YOUR Story, Skills, Talents & Passion
  • Recognition, Rewards and Cool Opportunities
  • Celebration Events (live and online)
  • Special “I AM BodyPROUD” packages created by the Doc of Detox
  • Golden Pathway for Practitioners to Level UP and Become BodyPROUD Specialists
  • You discover you LOVE YourSELF – and – naturally Give LOVE to Your Body
  • Accountability & Support

    Wellness consultants — who themselves are athletes, coaches or BodyPROUD specialists — are available by phone and video to give you personalized guidance or help you with any body-symptoms that are smart to address. 

    A Life Adventure: Starts with a BodyPROUD State of Mind

    We are ALL BodyPROUD. The only difference is that some of us have the awareness and desire, while others have not yet been inspired. So let’s all step out of our self-imposed boundaries. Let’s cherish our body (inside and out), respect it as the world’s ultimate machine, and recognize we are its keeper for life. How well we maintain it, makes a difference. So, let’s nourish its organs, strengthen its muscles, and discover its talents. Let’s honor ourselves, reclaim our spirit, live as love, find our roarr, step into power and make a difference for ourselves, our family and the world.

    Your Role

    Your role is to track your story. The BraveHeartNation app provides you with a platform to share it — from your start point (and obstacles) to *your* AHAs, breakthroughs, notable gains & celebration-worthy triumphs — amongst a group of like-minded people who double as cheerleaders, and sources of empowerment and support.

    Step 1: Register to Secure Your Spot

    Step 2: Book Your Consultation with a BodyPROUD Ambassador, if applicable (see options below)

    Step 3: Join the “I AM BodyPROUD” Mission in the BraveHeartNation app

    Step 4: Share your start point (video / writing) ** Day 1

    Step 5: Share your breakthroughs, AHAs, transformations, triumphs & notable gains every 10 days (min)

    Remember: you are not alone. Others are doing this with you. The more you choose to support one another, the better for everyone. So let people know when you  are impressed with yourself, proud of your  achievement, and wanting to gloat  about your self-health or self-love success. Doing so encourages others to follow your lead. Ideal is that you recognize yourself in each other’s posts. When something touches your heart share their successes too!

    To Register

    You have 3 options when you register:

    1. Good – Begin your journey right away with your free gift of the A-Z Wellness MasterClass & The BraveHeart Emotional Intelligence MasterClass.You will also get invited into the exclusive BodyPROUD Support Community.

    2. Better – Everything above plus The Perfect Day Guide, a pdf with over 300 pages of health, fitness, nutrition, wellness and emotional intelligenceinformation. Includes invitation to participate in group support calls, and live in person BodyPROUD Gatherings taking place worldwide. 

    3. Best  – This is for you only if you are ready to take massive personal action. Includes everything above PLUS a One-to-One Consultation & IntakeSession with a BodyPROUD Ambassador, who will also be Your Personal Accountability Partner for the first 90 days on your journey to LoveBetter How You Think, Feel, Act, Look, Function and Dream.

    For more information,
    Connect with us at

    The BodyPROUD Gatherings & Showcase World Tour:

    Events are either online or live. Those that are live start small such as in one’s home, office or aerobics studio. 

    As people make progress, they are invited to larger events which may take place on stages or in theatres.

    The Grand Finale Celebration events are held online and in key locations around the world as part of The BodyPROUD Gatherings & Showcase World Tour, tba.  

    Stay tuned.  

    Your Body.
    Your Mind.
    Your Time to SHINE!

    Enjoy your adventure.

    "The World Needs Leaders
    Not Followers...
    Be Your Own Leader."

    Dr. Darrell Wolfe

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