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"You came here as a beautiful, energized, electrical magnetic spirit with abundant health and joy. This is your chance to reclaim that and rewrite your life story by consciously living in the present moment."

- Dr. Darrell Wolfe

Do you catch yourself constantly living in the past or worrying about the future? Did you know that 98% of the population is in the present moment only 2% of their day. What does this mean? You can only heal in the present moment. You can only create the “New You” in the present moment. Where are you creating from? Grief? Regret? Worry? Unlimited power is only found in the present moment.

What if we could teach you to be in the present moment the majority of the day, and you did this unconsciously, which is how the subconscious runs programs.  Welcome to one of the most powerful courses that will help you to uncover and discover your unlimited potential. What’s holding you back?

Welcome to the BraveHeart Health & Healing Circle where your new world of possibilities awaits you. 

Understand if this statement causes some anxiety, because in most cases it will,  but much more excitement, it’s time to take a leap of courage and a shot of faith. If the possibility if change causes some anxiety, but much more excitement, then it’s time to take a leap of courage and ground yourself in faith. Procrastination is not the problem, it’s hesitation. You’ve got 3 seconds before your subconscious creates enough hesitation to create doubt.

3, 2, 1, Let’s change this!


Become the writer, director, producer and leading star of your own love story adventure.

Let us help you uncover and discover the real you, the authentic thinker. The authentic thinker only takes direction from their BraveHeart. This can only be programmed through repetition dipped in unconditional SelfLove and SelfCare. 

Life's a Movie ✮ Yours to Create

All relationships, starting with you, will never reach their true depth until you are able to access the subconscious, where all belief systems are stored. Just as your clothing may get worn out or you just simply outgrown them, the same happens to the belief systems that run your whole life without you even being conscious of this undeniable fact. You are a sacred spiritual being, here for a much larger reason, serving a much higher purpose. You are an infinite love that has lost its way, and until you start asking the question “Why”, you will never find the answer.

Change Your Brain.
Change Your Life.

The BraveHeart Health & Healing Circle represents 40 years and tens of thousands of people just like you who have had real life experiences and breakthroughs on a physical, nutritional and emotional level in just four days. The Circle of Life holds the key to setting your spirit free. There will be up to 16  others just like you who will be supporting and guiding one another to higher levels of growth and potential.

Our personal promise is that you will have more Aha moments in 4 days than you have had in 7 years. Uh huh. We are in this together, and we will win this together.




The BraveHeart Health & Healing Circle is for those of you ready to dig in deep, reignite your passions and dreams, and discover your authentic self and the true healer from within. Take charge of your emotions.

Understand how to love, honor, protect and respect yourself.

Put yourself first (possibly for the first time ever). Until you have unconditional love for yourself you can’t extend it to those you love. Become the change.



The BraveHeart Health & Healing Circle is a sacred circle where we share together, care together and sit together to support each other on the journey of a lifetime. It represents the circle of life where we mirror each other along the journey home, your heart. Let us write the greatest love story of all…yours. 

Go back and reclaim your passions, dreams and desires.

This 4-day course is designed for 16 people of all ages – from teens to seniors— to unite and rewrite their stories. You will realize you are experiencing similar tribulations, problems and obstacles. Within the first, second or third day, you will see major breakthroughs, mindset shifts, transformations and triumphs. Your breakthroughs will create a domino effect of freedom for everyone. Together we RISE.

We will be going around the circle to help you create your Perfect Day on an emotional, physical, nutritional and psychological level. You will learn exercises to lengthen, strengthen, detox and tone, and how to properly nourish your body and mind.

The BraveHeart Health & Healing Circle will change your life for the rest of your life. 

When? Now is the time to rewrite your life’s story! No more followers…only leaders.4

NOTE: The Circle of Life segments also provide each person with content to develop their own testimony that starts at the course and continues afterwards. Participants are able to track their goals, breakthroughs, Ahas, transformations and triumphs in the app which is a self-motivator and also inspires others.

This 4-day course is designed for 16 people of all ages – from teens to seniors— to unite and rewrite their stories. You will realize you are experiencing similar tribulations, problems and obstacles. Within the first, second or third day, you will see major breakthroughs, mindset shifts, transformations and triumphs. Your breakthroughs will create a domino effect of freedom for everyone. Together we RISE.

We will be going around the circle to help you create your Perfect Day on an emotional, physical, nutritional and psychological level. You will learn exercises to lengthen, strengthen, detox and tone, and how to properly nourish your body and mind.

The BraveHeart Health & Healing Circle will change your life for the rest of your life. 

When? Now is the time to rewrite your life’s story! No more followers…only leaders.

NOTE: The Circle of Life segments also provide each person with content to develop their own testimony that starts at the course and continues afterwards. Participants are able to track their goals, breakthroughs, Ahas, transformations and triumphs in the app which is a self-motivator and also inspires others.


Each of you are also eligible to receive a Wolfe Non-Surgical ‘Heart Release’ Treatment. That’s because the heart records all your emotional affairs concerning love and life (which is also why heart dis-ease is the major killer on this planet). So your Circle Masters are going to assist you to physically and emotionally release the scar tissue, crystallization and calcification that burdens your heart health and walls you off from finding the true love of your life… YOU.

Everyone who is open to having a heart release will be gifted one. This is the key to unlock the emotional issues in your heart tissues. This will be the key to unlock not just your heart on a physical level, but the painful heartaches that became issues in your tissues, which are emotions you didn’t have the tools, strategies nor the belief systems to process.

For those of you who would like more non-surgical bodywork we will work on another body part to prove you are not the victim or the cripple they made you to believe you were. This treatment will be performed on something in the body that you’ve been told couldn’t be reversed. We’re going to show you in one treatment that Wolfe Non-Surgical reverses the irreversible. Drugs and surgery were never the answer; letting go of that which no longer serves is. Be the change.

We will also be doing a couple of live consults. By doing this, although your problem may be unique, answers will come to you from those who feel similar in their life.


• It’s time for your great awakening. 
• It’s time to become the master of your mind. 
• It’s time to discover your authentic self. 
• It’s time to use time-tested tools, strategies and techniques that actually work. 
• It’s time to become the hero you’ve been looking for.
• Become the light… and then light the way for those you love and care for.

The end result is that you get to become HeartSmart, filling up your own heart through self-love and self-discovery. Staying present in the moment and no longer being a slave to thought patterns of fear, doubt, worry, guilt and let’s not forget anger is key for self-health and self-healing. This BraveHeart Healing Circle will give you the strategies to pursue your passions, live out your dreams, and become the leader that is within you.

Be part of the world’s most powerful emotional training. The BraveHeart Health & Healing Circle is mind, body, spirit medicine based on unconditional self-love and was created to deliver the life you always dreamed of


Prior to this BraveHeart Adventure, download these gifts and take Massive Personal Action. 

Read & Watch

•The Perfect Day Guide
• ‘12 Loving Steps Guide’
• ‘Reverse the Irreversible Masterclass’
• ‘How to Become #1 at the Art of #2 Masterclass’
• ‘The Highway to Health Masterclass’
• ‘The Domino Effect of Normal Living Masterclass’
• ‘Emotional Intelligence of Cancer, Disease and Healing Masterclass’
• ‘BraveHeart Online Emotional Intelligence MasterClass’

This 300 Page Advanced PRACTITIONER Guide is the accumulation of 45 years of in the trenches clinical work and 35 years of lecturing & teaching certification courses around the world.

This ‘HEALTHY TO 100’ PDF holds the keys to guarding and protecting your health from the food conglomerates and pharmaceutical corporations that are determined to own every piece of you. Everyone has an agenda; just make sure theirs matches yours! 

cert Circle

"The World Needs Leaders
Not Followers...
Be Your Own Leader."

Refund Policy:
– Any and All Courses & Certifications less than $5,000 have a Non-Refundable Fee of $500
– Any and All Courses & Certifications over $5,000 have a Non-Refundable Fee of $1,000
– There is No Refund 10 Days Prior to the start date of Any and All Courses & Certifications
Change Policy:
– There is a Change Fee of $200 for Any & All Courses & Certifications. Changes Must be Within a 12 Month Period.